
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

That Frisson

This is my favorite time of year - late April, early May. The days are stretching out a bit, so I have some daylight left on my walk home from work. People have decided it's warm enough to wear impossibly tiny shorts and plant fully bloomed tulips, like a forced smile of bright red, yellow and sandals. This is New England, however, and I think they've jumped the gun a bit, as they fade under the first storm that rolls across. The trees are still cautious, the leaf buds tightly wrapped, fuzzy little grey-green fists on the naked branches. Patches of ground are thick with what I can only assume are crocus, just spikes of green, thick as grass in a child's drawing. The air is still cool, even cold at points, and everything just seems on the verge. It's just waiting, testing, preparing, and there is the excitement of possibility.

I get the same chill when I think about making some kind of ongoing blog/vlog project. Historically, I've not been good at maintaining or producing the content for such a thing, but I feel like I have a lot of stuff that would probably be better Shrek-style, and this is the perfect forum for it. As my Very Big Move comes closer, I'm thinking more and more about the people that I've left strewn across the U.S. and how much I miss them, how distant I've been in the last decade.

So. Here's to unfurling and trying again.

1 comment:

  1. You're blogging. :) This is a wonderful time of year. Kevin and I are planting our seeds tomorrow, and should have some gorgeous reds and oranges blooming shortly. It's been so warm out lately. Believe it or not, it was nearly 70 today! Good luck with your blog, I'll be checking in.
